Author: Ivana Tucak

News Stories

Poland’s Gothic Masterpiece: Malbork Castle’s Enchanting Echoes of Tumultuous Past

This grand fortress, often referred to as Malbork Castle, a building of exceptional aesthetics reflects some of the most interesting parts of Polish history. 

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News Stories

Cold War’s End: How Did Winds of Change Shape Pop Culture? 

The Cold War in film, literature, and music from the late 1980s and early 1990s is a valuable remembrance of a world in transition and the public’s perceptions of those changes.

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News Stories

Pazzi Conspiracy: Calculating Schemers of the Renaissance 

The Pazzi Conspiracy, one of the most infamous events in Renaissance Italy, remains a compelling tale of treachery, ambition, and the ruthless pursuit of power.

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News Stories

Fabius Maximus: Roman Republic’s Strategic Virtuoso

In the ruthless powerscape of the Roman Republic, military leadership represented quite an opportunity for many ambitious young men.

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News Stories

The Lure of Roaring Twenties: Social Life and Nightlife of the Jazz Age

The Roaring Twenties, often described as the Jazz Age, was an era that roared with exuberance, marked by radical changes in social life and a vibrant, electrifying nightlife scene.

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