The War Diaries

Antonio Garcia served as a combat engineer in the SANDF. He is now a civil servant with experience as a researcher at Stellenbosch University, lecturer at Durham University, and tutor at the Open University.

Max Lauker served in the Swedish Armed Forces from 2002 to 2018, including roles in special operations and intelligence. He led numerous covert missions in Africa and the former Eastern Bloc. Now, he works in the private security sector, focusing on intelligence.

Both of them, the authors of the book Number 788 bring you their War Diaries, a column where they explore contemporary warfare, reflect on past conflicts, ask questions related to the future of war, and discuss many other aspects of war and warfare. Read their stories, leave comments, and join the discussion.

Past, Present & Future The War Diaries

Thinking Twice Before Praising War on Social Media

With the ongoing wars in Ukraine, Palestine, Tigray, Myanmar, Central African Republic, and eastern DRC, to name a few, social media has become a space for propaganda.

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Past, Present & Future The War Diaries

Investment in the Military is a Waste… Until the Next War

The chants of war now occur in multiple dimensions – in person, and digitally. They come not only from the modern Cossack astride their battle tank, but there is also another voice, a contemporary war viewer, shouting their war slogans over the many social media platforms, ‘death to… kill so and so’.

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