
News Stories

“Public functionaries alone are excepted”: Napoleon’s Passport System in Europe

One of the many ways Napoleon Bonaparte attempted to control populations was the mandating of passports. Passports in various forms have been around for centuries but not in the manner most people associate with them today.

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News Stories

The Fall of the Iron Curtain in One Photo

A symbolic depiction of the end of the Cold War.

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News Stories

“Never really subdued nor reconciled to our rule”: The 1842 Retreat from Kabul

The massacre of Major General Sir William Elphinstone’s army and its auxiliaries in early 1842 while attempting to retreat from Kabul, Afghanistan, was a shock to British statesmen and the public. The expeditionary force, many of whom were sent there in 1839 to assert British control, was made up of roughly 700 British soldiers, 3,800 Indian troops, and 14,000 civilians and workers attached to lend it support. Lord Auckland, the Governor General of India, was so shocked upon learning of the disaster that he had a stroke.

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News Stories

The Year America Praised Russia: The Great Game and Sale of Alaska, 1867

The Crimean War (1853-1856) pitting Imperial Russia against the combined forces of the Ottoman Empire, Great Britain, and France, had devastating consequences. Emerging military technology combined with disease led to the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers on both sides of the conflict.

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Down the Avenue News

[Gallery] Ancient Weapons

Blowgun, meteor hammer, dagger-axe… Check some of the most interesting examples of ancient weapons.

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