
News Stories

A Secret Conversation On Cuban-Sponsored Guerilla Warfare in Transit Through Prague

In 1967 Aldo Flores, a member of the PCB Central Committee, participated as a Bolivian CP delegate to the SED Congress in Berlin and then visited the USSR. He wanted to use his transit through Prague to inform the Central Committee of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia of recent events in Bolivia…

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News Stories

1977’s Memorandum: Finding a Solution for the Arms Race

Italian memorandum from 1977 reveals three solutions for the problem of the arms race. The solutions proposed by the Soviet Union, Denmark and Warsaw Pact reflect the great tension that marked the geopolitical scene during the 1970s.

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The Truth About Wearing Eyeglasses. From 1802.

In the years before the 1800’s, “the nose that wore the spectacles” was always that of an informed person…

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The Forgotten Art of Letter Writing

Once upon a time, “Let’s grab a drink.” definitely wasn’t a way to ask someone on a date. If a man said that to a lady, depending on the circumstances, he could end up in a duel. When writing a letter, a man or woman needed to show the exceptional skills of great grammar, style, […]

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Charles Bridge in Prague
News Stories

Propaganda: The Covert Agenda That Was Created in 1976

Charles Bridge in Prague in the 1970s (Photo: Vitold Muratov/ Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0)   In the early 1970’s, Western propaganda caused much pain to the communist governments behind the Iron Curtain. When light fear is mixed with empathy, the propaganda war becomes very strong. It wasn’t aimed against the people, but against the government […]

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